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166 lines
// LABEL.DEF NPI label object data selectors
// Copyright (c) 1993 Borland International, Inc.
// This include file contains all the selectors required for labels.
// NOTE:
// Selectors listed in the following table which are shown to have
// "Value: Number" will sometimes return the null string instead
// of the numeric zero. For logical compares, null is the same
// as zero, however when emitting the value to the output file
// the null string must be converted to a numeric zero explicitly.
// A user defined function is used in the FORM.COD template program
// called NUL2ZERO() for converting null strings to explicit numeric
// zeros.
// ELEMENT selectors (FOREACH loop elements)
ELEMENT 1000, // All elements types by row & column
BAND_ELEMENT 1102, // Band element (always the first element)
FLD_ELEMENT 1130, // Field element
TEXT_ELEMENT 1085, // Text element
// Selectors common to all elements
ELEMENT_TYPE 001, // Element types found in labels are:
ROW_POSITN 225, // Row number of Element
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
COL_POSITN 093, // Column number of Element
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
SYS_FLEN 053, // Element length in layout
SYS_INAME 068, // reserved
SYS_FMT 071, // reserved
SYS_PAGE 090, // reserved
SYS_ROW 092, // reserved
SYS_ATRB 094, // reserved
// Frame level selectors - can be accessed at any time
NAME 040, // Name of NPI label object
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
FRAME_CLASS 181, // Object type (called MENU_TYPE in application.def)
// Menu Path: None - Value:11=form, 12=label, 13=report
FRAME_VER 150, // Version #
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
FRAME_FILE_TYPE 151, // File type of object
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
FRAME_PATH 042, // Path of object
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
FRAME_NUM_OF_FIELDS 153, // Number of fields
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
LABEL_TALL 170, // Label height
LABEL_WIDE 182, // Label width
LABEL_LMARG 172, // Label left margin
LABEL_VSPACE 173, // Label vertical spacing
LABEL_HSPACE 174, // Label horizontal spacing
LABEL_NUP 175, // Labels across page - number up
LABEL_ROWS 176, // Rows of labels
dBASE_III_PLUS 215, // Is this a 3+ report
// Menu Path: None - Value: 0:No 1:Yes
PRINT_FORM 216, // Print form name
// Menu Path: PU - Value: String
PRINT_DESTINATION 217, // Where to send output
// Menu Path: PDW - Value: 0: Printer 1:Dos file
PRINT_DOS_FILE 218, // Name of DOS file
// Menu Path: PDN - Value: String
PRINT_DRIVER 219, // Name of Printer driver
// Menu Path: PDP - Value: String
PRINT_TO_SCREEN 220, // Echo outpu to screen
// Menu Path: PDE - Value: Numeric
PRINT_PITCH 221, // Text Pitch
// Menu Path: PCT - Value: 0:Default 1:Pica 2:Elite
// 3:Condensed
PRINT_QUALITY 222, // Quality Print
// Menu Path: PCQ - Value: 0:Default 1:Yes 2:No
PRINT_NEW_PAGE 223, // When to goto New page
// Menu Path: PCN - Value: 0:Before 1:Both 2:None
// 3:After
PRINT_PAUSE 224, // Wait between pages
// Menu Path: PCW - Value: 0:No 1:Yess
PRINT_ADVANCE 226, // Advance page using
// Menu Path: PCA - Value: 0:Form Feeds 1:Line Feeds
PRINT_START_CODES 227, // Starting control codes
// Menu Path: PCS - Value: String
PRINT_END_CODES 228, // Ending control codes
// Menu Path: PCE - Value: String
PRINT_START_PAGE 229, // Begin on page
// Menu Path: POB - Value: String
PRINT_END_PAGE 230, // End on page
// Menu Path: POB - Value: String
PRINT_FIRST_PAGE 231, // First page number
// Menu Path: POE - Value: String
PRINT_COPIES 232, // Number of copies
// Menu Path: PON - Value: String
PRINT_PAGE_LENGTH 233, // Length of page
// Menu Path: PPL - Value: String
PRINT_LEFT_OFFSET 234, // Offeset from left
// Menu Path: PPO - Value: String
PRINT_LINE_SPACING 235, // Spacing of lines
// Menu Path: PPL - Value: 0:Single 1:Double 2:Triple
PRINT_PAGE_SIZE 236, // Page size
// Menu Path: PPL -
// Value: 0:default 1:letter 2:legal 3:a4 4:b5 5:executive
// Text attribute selectors (FOREACH Text_element x .... NEXT)
TEXT_ITEM 095, // Static text data
// Field attribute selectors (FLD_ELEMENT)
FLD_FILENAME 060, // Name of file this field is in
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
FLD_FIELDNAME 061, // Field name
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
FLD_FIELDTYPE 063, // Where the data is coming from
// Menu Path: None - Value: 0:dBF field 1:calc'ed
// 2:sum 3:predefined 4:memory var
FLD_VALUE_TYPE 064, // Field data type in dBF
// Menu Path: None - Value: 67:char 68:date 70:float
// 76:logical 77:memo 78:numeric
// Try chr(fld_value_type) return C:char D:date etc.
FLD_LENGTH 065, // Length of field
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
FLD_DECIMALS 066, // Number of decimal positions
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
FLD_REPWIDTH 067, // width of template in label
FLD_PREDEFINE 070, // Predef fld 0:date 1:time 2:recno 3:pageno
FLD_TEMPLATE 074, // Picture template
// Menu Path: FMT - Value: String
FLD_PICFUN 075, // Picture functions
// Menu Path: FMP - Value: String
FLD_DESCRIPT 076, // Calc & sum description
// Menu Path: FMD - Value: String
FLD_EXPRESSION 077, // Calc expression
// Menu Path: FME - Value: String
FLD_STYLE 096, // Field style
// Values returned by Fld_Style
enum User_Font = 31,
Soft_space = 128,
Bold = 256,
Italic = 512,
Underline = 1024,
Superscript= 2048,
Subscript = 4096;
// Values returned by Fld_Fieldtype
enum Tabl_data=0, // Table field from a database
Calc_data, // Calculated expression
Summ_data, // Summary ie. Average, Count, etc.
Pred_data; // Predefined ie. Date, Page, etc.